Leon (pronounced Len) loves His Lord, his family, the biblical narrative and his calling. He has been blessed with over thirty years in the ministry and a decade or so of schooling. For him the journey and the destination are one and the same thing.
Lead Pastor: Rev. Leon (Len) Van Dyke
Dennis provides leadership to the whole church here at Bayside. Directly leading small Groups, Prayer Services, Worship and Tech teams. Additionally, he ministers in the community providing visitation, and teaching at our local retirement homes and hospitals.
Youth Pastor: Jackson Rogers
Jackson, with wife Rachel and children River and Shepherd loves the local church and has been involved in every area of ministry, working for different denominations and national ministry organizations. Drawing upon experience running a Youth Centre and Cafe with YFC and Pastoring Youth and Young adults downtown Toronto at Stone Church; Jackson oversees Youth Ministry and Outreach at Bayside.
childrens DIRECTOR: EMILY hollinshead
Emily has been helping out in children’s ministry pretty much since she herself aged out of kids’ programs. The eldest of six, she always felt drawn to working with children. Emily graduated from Seneca College in 2015 with an Early Childhood Education Diploma and from Tyndale University College with a Bachelor of Arts the following year. She and her husband Evan began attending Bayside shortly after moving to Parry Sound in 2018. Emily is excited to work with and alongside our church families to continue building a thriving and sound community for our kids!